Monday, December 28, 2020

3 Ways To Turn Walking Sticks Into A Combat Weapon

Walking sticks may have been a gentleman's accessory in the 19th century but these canes are much more than that today. True, walking sticks are primarily used as walking aid today but there is no way you can't use them for something more sinister.

Walking canes can become your go to self defense weapons when push comes to shove. How? It is pretty simple. Ever heard of a police baton? Walking sticks are basically a perfect combat weapon when used correctly. Here is how to multi-purpose the hell of your walking stick.

Self Defense

A basic human instinct would lead you to grab into your walking stick when faced with a sudden attack. After all, bamboo or wooden have been used for combat since time immemorial. 

Monks carry a staff to help them walk. But the same bo staff was used as a ninja weapon when swords were banned for commoners in Japan in the 16th century. 

Infect, there is a whole school of fighting with a bo staff called bojutsu dedicated to learning combat techniques using what looks uncannily like a walking stick.

So why not go old school and use a walking stick as a self defense weapon. We aren't saying you need to enroll in a martial arts program to learn the skill of stick fighting. This is the best part about using a walking cane as a self defense tool.

No one has to be an expert to master this art. All you have to do is to make sure the attacker doesn't get hold of your walking stick and give all you have got to beat the living daylights out of him with your wooden or metal walking stick.

Killer Aesthetics 

Another way you can notch up your 'walking stick as a weapon' game is by buying walking canes that are designed to exude formidability and strength.

Look for walking sticks with sleek metal shafts that won't break but are capable of breaking bones. Sometimes, the right tip can become an extra tool for attack. A sharp pointy end in a tapered walking cane or even a quadruple legged walking aid can be used to attack.

Another way to make your walking stick look deadly is to get an ornate walking cane with heads resembling fearsome creatures like a cobra head walking stick or even an eagle. These designs can deter any offender from approaching you as they reflect upon the toughness of your personality.

All of a sudden, you aren't some crippled person using a walking aid, you are a soul not to be confronted with. Your walking stuck does the job of letting any potential attacker know who's the boss just by its looks.

Some walking sticks come with a replica gun heads screwed on top of the shaft. These fake guns can be cocked so you can scare away any person who might think it will be easy to rob someone with a walking cane.

Hidden Weapon

While walking sticks are a self defense weapon on their own by virtue of their very design, these walking cane can ultimately be your hidden self defense weapons.

Back in the 19th century, skilled swordsmen started hiding their swords inside a walking cane. This way, they were always up in the arms whenever they found the need to protect themselves or indulge in minor dueling.

Sword canes have not lost that appeal in today's day and age when the need for hidden blade weapons is on the rise. So your walking stick is capable of hiding a hidden blade weapon in the form of a sword easily.

Sure, a walking stick can be used to strike or defend oneself, but it is pretty useless in front of an assailant with a blade. In these circumstances, one needs a blade to counter attack. So a sword cane is a clever way to carry your hidden self defense weapon with you at all times.

Walking sticks with a sword inside can be extremely helpful anywhere, especially if you are using a walking cane to hike or trek a deserted peak. You don't know when you would need a blade and while carrying a knife is always recommended, a hidden sword takes the cake when it comes to a hidden self defense weapon.

Convinced about the unwavering combat powers of walking sticks? Ready to arm yourself with one? Get one and be safe.

Read Also: 3 Deadliest Ninja Weapons Forged In Nightmares

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